The church of jesus christ of latterday saints affirms that the book of mormon is a volume of sacred scripture comparable to the bible. The lds church released an essay on their website titled book of mormon and. It contains a record of gods dealings with three groups of people who migrated from the near east or west asia to the americas hundreds of years before the arrival of europeans. In summary, dna evidence and the book of mormon is long overdue. One of most basic tenets of the lds faith maintains that the book of mormon is a literal history of the ancestors of the present day american indian peoples.
The chief claim, and the premise of the entire book, is that hebrews carried the message of the coming messiah on a voyage across the atlantic. The church says the studies are being twisted to attack its beliefs. The purported historical narrative of the book of mormon presents an account of the origins of native american peoples that differs dramatically from the consensus position taken by scientists, including geneticists who study dna. Dna controversy is an issue that most critics believe completely undermines mormon beliefs in the truthfulness of the book. Dna evidence conflicts with book of mormon lds facts. Now im not a geneticist but if you want to hear a population geneticist give you the long version of what i just said, check out the links in the description and have. The book of mormon and dna evidence, dna, archive ugo a. Before dna evidence was found the mormon church even produced a filmstrip, which was shown by their missionaries in many countries, called ancient america speaks, where it presented what the rest of the world identifies as inca and mayan ruins, as ruins of the book of mormon peoples. Lost civilizations of north america documentary4, deborah bolnick on haplogroup x. Dna evidence proves book of mormon claims about ancient. Nonmormon archaeologists speak on book of mormon evidence. Critics who attempt to rely on dna evidence to attack the truth of the book of mormon misinterpret or misconstrue what.
But being the strongest evidence so far against the book of mormon is a relative thing, akin to selecting the best smelling skunk in your local forest. In this article, we will provide some background on this issue focusing on the scientific issues, followed by a point by point response to various statements made in the essay about the book of mormon. The book of mormon claims that the native american peoples are descended from the house of israel, but the dna evidence, according to this book, points to an asiatic origin for the american continents native people. Wikipedias other article on americas settlement does not. A youtube clip entitled dna vs book of mormon incredible new evidence is causing a stir among mormons as it has appeared on websites such as, ldsliving, prepare to serve youtube site and lds smile. Examples of book of mormon criticisms based on alleged dna evidence are found in simon g. In the book of mormon there are three meanings of the word jew including resident of jerusalem. This book locates everything from the narrow neck, to zarahemla, from cumorah, to the land of promise, bountiful. If the book of mormon is false, joseph smith was not a prophet.
Now the same dna evidence used in courts of law can credibly speak to the validity of the book of mormon, which serves as the foundation of the mormon religion. However, this attack ignores several key points, among which is the fact that the book of mormon states that lehi and his family are clearly not jews. This interpretation, still dominant among members of the lds church, remained in the introduction to the book of mormon until recently. David read the surprising new dna evidence supports the. Its not all neat and orderly, as previous generations of latterday saints assumed, or as we would like. The book of mormon teaches that the people of the americas are decendants from lamanites, who originally crossed the oceans from jerusalem, sometime near 600 b.
The only true statements in the book of mormon are those taken from the bible. Dna and the book of mormon new evidence shows that we should not be too hasty posted on july 27, 2015 by beau anderson for many years now, people have claimed that the book of mormon cannot be true because published genetic studies based on mitochondrial and ychromosome research seem to contradict migration accounts found in the book of. The book of mormon and the new world dna deseret book. How a mormon lawyer transformed archaeology in mexicoand. On january 31, 2014, the lds church published an essay entitled book of mormon and dna studies in the gospel topics series on its official website. Whiting journal of book of mormon studies 121 2003. The book of mormon tells the story of a family from ancient jerusalem that crossed the ocean and colonized somewhere in the western. Mormons and mitochondrial dna by chad ressler in august 2004 simon southerton released a book entitled losing a lost tribe. Genetic attacks on the book of mormon focus on the fact that amerindian dna seems closest to asian dna, and not dna from the middle east or.
Ekins, is decrypting the genetic legacy of americas indigenous populations key to the historicity of the book of mormon. Murphy, lamanite genesis, genealogy, and genetics, inamerican apocrypha. Smithsonian institution statement on the book of mormon. Response to rodney meldrums incredible new dna evidence. If anyone tries to tell you differently in either direction, be very skeptical. The nhm inscription is the most important piece of geographical evidence book of mormon supporters have for their claims.
Well documented facts, and he covered so many different aspects of evidence to back up his video presentation, aside from the compelling dna evidence, he used weather, animal migration, mapping, rivers, water bodies, descriptions from the book of mormon and matched them to the local geography. Critics claim that such studies prove conclusively that there is no evidence of a middle eastern strand within the native american gene pool. New scientific support for the truthfulness of the book of mormon. In the past few years, dna studies have been used to provide what may be the strongest and most convincing evidence so far against the authenticity of the book of mormon. Book of mormon dna mormonism, the mormon church, beliefs. The book of mormon documentary examines and compares genetic evidence identifying the dna fingerprints of the jewish populations and american indian populations, and presents the testimony of several dna experts in seeking to answer the question, are israelites the principal ancestors of native american indians. Dna vs book of mormon incredible new evidence youtube. As dna tests and sequencing has become more common critics of the book of mormon have pointed out that if there really was a group of people that traveled to the americas from the middle east west asia then there should be some dna evidence of that found in the modern descendants of those people.
Are israelites the principal ancestors of native americans. Members of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints need to realize that god does not seek to confuse us and lead us away from him through the use of our intellect. Book of mormon dna evidence is the holy grail for mormons and antimormons alike. Correlation and verification through dna, prophetic, scriptural, historical, climatological, archaeological, social, and cultural evidence.
Some mormon researchers claim that it is not valid to use genetics to attempt to prove or disprove the historicity of the book of mormon, citing a lack of source genes and the improbability of tracing israelite dna even if present. Dna evidence and molecular genetics disprove the book of. Dna experts, and christians attack the bible as well as the book of mormon. Reviews of dna evidence for book of mormon geography. The controversy stems from dna studies of native american peoples. The book of mormon gave only scattered clues, speaking of a narrow isthmus, a river called sidon, and lands to the north and south occupied by. Dna evidence supporting the book of mormon there is no dna evidence supporting the book of mormon. The book of mormon and the origin of native americans from. Mormon scientist jeff lindsay wrote, for the book of mormon, it now appears that a nineteenthcentury assumption that many leaders and members of the church made about the text is incorrect. Genetic attacks on the book of mormon focus on the fact that amerindian dna seems closest to asian dna, and not dna from the middle east or jewish dna. This page supports my main mormon answers page on dna evidence and the book of mormon.
David read the surprising new dna evidence supports the book of mormon 40m. Dna and the book of mormon new evidence shows that we. Dna puts to rest that any of the culture, civilization or peoples of the book of mormon ever existed. The book of mormon presents the evidence from dna researchers. The nahom case provides evidence, not of the authenticity of the book of mormon, but of the willingness of lds scholars to look anywhere to find validation for a historically accurate reading of the book of mormon. Dna research and mormon scholars changing basic beliefs. Dna analysis has concluded that native american indians do not originate from the middle east or from israelites but rather from asia. Testing of the ychromosome dna and mitochondrial dna are. This must mean that amerindians are not descended from book of mormon peoples, and the book of mormon is false. A recently published book claims that dna evidence proves the book of mormon, one of the books of scripture used by the mormon church, incorrect.
Would dna analysis show as taught by the book of mormon that many american indians are descended from ancient. Over 66,000 people viewed the video in the two weeks after it appeared. Nothing is known about the extent of intermarriage and genetic mixing between book of mormon peoples or their descendants and other inhabitants of the americas, though some mixing appears evident, even during the period covered by the books text. The dvd is based upon a popular presentation given in a number of fireside. While evidence against the book of mormon and its miraculous origins has been steadily accumulating for more than a century, modern dna techniques provide new and irrefutable evidence to further bolster decades of anthropology, archaeology and linguistic study. In an essay titled does the dna evidence refute the book of mormon. The evidence assembled to date suggests that the majority of native americans carry largely asian dna. The discussion has centered on the field of population genetics and developments in dna science. Rather, he calls us to prove all things 1 thessalonians 5.
The book of mormon makes several scientific claims that can be tested. Produced by fair, a nonprofit organization that sponsors conferences and websites in defence of the church, this video dispells what for some is a. Ces letter links to a poorly written wikipedia article as the basis of their sweeping claim. Native americans, dna, and the mormon churchsalt lake city. Two of the most prevalent claims for the book of mormon are, there is much archaeological proof to the book of mormon, and the american indians are descendants of israelites who came to america as described in the book of mormon. The criticism of the mormon church is the following.
X2aj is not found in north america but its importance to native american dna is virtually unknown. Dna evidence of the book of mormon in north america, linking native americans to the jewish population in the middle east. All opinions, speakers and presenters represent and express their own individual opinions, and not necessarily the opinions of firm foundation, book of mormon evidence, or its employees, and no information or opinions represent the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. In early 2008 rodney meldrum published a dvd titled dna evidence for book of mormon geography.
Does dna evidence prove the book of mormon is false. Does dna evidence prove the book of mormon to be false. Book of mormon dna evidence general discussions mormon. Its the 5ton elephant in the room that researchers geneticist do not want to talk about. Book of mormon difficulties, contradictions and explanations. At this point, dna evidence simply cannot disprove or prove the historicity of the book of mormon. Is there any dna evidence to support the book of mormons. Dna marker x2aj is probably the greatest dna evidence for the book of mormon thus far. In fact, several mormon organizations have been founded in order to prove. Dna samples taken from modern american indians show no connection to the dna of the peoples of the middle east. The book of mormon geography lands and map with dna evidence. Dna science challenges lds history christian research. Some have contended that the migrations mentioned in the. Dna evidence and molecular genetics disprove the book of mormon by rich deem introduction.
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